
Look at him dance

Mama Ann says:

Ryo's favourite show is Barney. He's watched a few of Barney's show and now he'll dance with him. They have many songs with different dance moves, and he knows when to touch his toes or wiggle his bum or clap his hands.

Computer geek

Mama Ann says:

Ryo likes the laptop, especially when he watches the video of himself or the fireworks. Sometimes when I use the MSN, he'll help me type some funny words too.



Mama Ann says:

I felt the tremors at home when the earthquake in Sichuan happened. I was in Tianjin, very very far away from the epicentre, and I felt it. It must have been very serious. We watched the news every morning and night, there were many pictures of children trapped under huge pillars, groaning for help in pain. Some of them held hands, giving each other support. Few were lucky enough to be saved.

Now that I'm a mother, I understand the pain of losing a child. Somemore these children are the only child in their extended family. There was a scene where a rescuer was asking a child of her condition, and she replied," both my arms and legs were broken". These pictures make me sad, and grateful that I am alive, and my family is alive.


Happy Mothers Day

Mama Ann says:

We have some relatives visiting us, so we celebrated mothers' day for 4 mothers. Dinner was a sumptous seafood galore (I had none of that thanks to high cholesterol), followed by some fireworks (bought especially for Ryo, as he enjoyed watching fireworks), then we ended with a Hello Kitty cake (from Breadtalk).



Mama Ann says:

I've register Ryo for school. The kindergarten is supposed to be a good one. It should be. It costs rmb2000 per month for school fees (the highest of all i've heard). An ordinary kindergarten would only cost rmb600 or so. Well, it really is because Ryo's class has only 10 children compared to 20 in normal circumstances. I feel more comfortable with the idea that his needs can be met with a lower teacher-student ratio.

School starts in September. We have only a few more months to kick his pacifier, pillow and diaper off.

He is pretty talkative

Mama Ann says:

Ryo is really talking more. Sometimes he can talk in sentences, and long sentences I mean. Although we don't really understand what he is babbling about, but he looks really cute when he talks like that to us.

New vocabulary, he can understand a lot more words than he can say:

  1. haha: when he wants to play the MSN wink ie. the laughing woman
  2. 泡:when he wants me to prepare milk
  3. 脚:臭脚
  4. 臭:meaning his poo poo
  5. 高高: meaning 叠高高
  6. 冲:冲凉
  7. 睡觉
  8. kult: meaning Yakult, his favourite drink
  9. 公公:阿公
  10. 姨:阿姨
  11. 姥姥:when he calls 外婆
  12. 舅舅
  13. 坐:he decides where we sit
  14. draw
  15. ten
  16. star, are, high: in the Twinkle little star song
  17. bowl
  18. pur pur: meaning apple
  19. nana: meaning banana
  20. 不要:his favourite word
  21. 倒:跌倒
  22. 头:sometimes also meaning 枕头
  23. 蛋蛋:鸡蛋
  24. 肉肉:肉


What a guy!

Mama Ann says:
This little handsome guy was well dressed up for dinner. Well, he was in a very good mood after we all praised him handsome. And he skipped his way to the restaurant.