
Farewell to the pacifier

Mama Ann says:

The papa is having his 3 days holiday, so I took this good time to wean Ryo off his pacifier. My reasoning is in case Ryo cries through the night, Isaac will not be affected since he does not have to work.

We started when Ryo was about to have his afternoon nap. He asked for his beloved "zhu-ar", and I told him a story that his pacifier had took the aeroplane back to Singapore. Of course he cried, and wailed for about half an hour before falling asleep exhausted.

Throughout the day he did asked about it a few times and we told him the same story. At night he was able to tell me his pacifier had flown away in the aeroplane. And fell asleep without making too much fuss, nor crying. Which is very good.

And the papa was saying," So easy you succeeded ar?"

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