
Happy Chinese New Year

It looks like wartime here, I tell you. We hear firecrackers and fireworks from morning till now, and it's getting stronger.

We also joined in the fun, by bringing our fireworks downstairs. Another family was there too and in the midst of our happy mood, their fireworks fell down on the floor, in our direction.

It really felt like gunfire. We tried to hide in a glass shelter, but heck, one speck flew inside and BOMB! No one was seriousy hurt, my mil was hit by on the cheek, but it didn't explode in her face.

So we went scurrying home with 3 kids. Fireworks is best watched from upstairs.

Despite this episode, new year in China is amazing still. I heard the secrity guard mentioned about an hour long of fireworks tonight at 12am. We are all staying up to watch.

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