
Sprain back again

Mama Ann says:

Sprained my back again while bathing Ryo. My back gets sprained very easily nowadays, since having Ryo. Everytime it gets sprained, I feel a resentment. During confinement, I was already exhausted with the 2 hourly night feeding, rocking Ryo for 3 hours in my arms every night, and picking his pacifier every few minutes. Alone somemore. That was how my back had its worst relapse. Even when Isaac was back for a week he didn't even help me change Ryo's diaper or pick his pacifier as he always have early morning meetings and meetings and reports to do. Sigh.

Ryo is too young to understand my pain, and he does more hurting when he kicks around when I carry him.

Once you sprain your back, it gets sprained for life.

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